Off road trips

The 4x4 vehicle tours are an excellent option to experience the challenging nature of the island. From trails opened by lumberjacks decades ago, to old abandoned routes, the itineraries will take you through the most impressive corners of Tierra del Fuego.


Off-road trips are usually done in all-terrain vehicles. The tour goes through the Fuegian forests , along old roads and trails used by lumberjacks during the times when the large sawmills were working. The combination of mountains,  lakes and the stories of the island's pioneers make this activity a unique experience.
These trips also go into places like Lake Fagnano , near Tolhuin, bordering its shores and giving you the chance to contemplate the beauty of the landscape from another perspective.    
The 4x4 excursions have an a pproximate duration of 7 hours , and include activities such as visits to winter resorts, valleys and estancias, where the passenger can enjoy lunch or a snack depending on the time of the day. It also includes stops at panoramic points, like the Carbajal Valley, which offers an impressive view of a chain of steep mountains and the peat bog that extends through the valley along National Route Nº 3. 

Another panoramic point is the Garibaldi Pass,  which marks the highest point where the mountain range is crossed, and where you can get an impressive view of Lake Escondido.   Here you can also see the trace of an old road that descended to the lake shore, in times when the National Route Nº 3 did not exist. 

Some operators offer combined excursions, with the possibility of canoeing on Lake Fagnano. During the winter, the excursions go into the valleys east of Ushuaia, where you can enjoy a varied offer of activities in the winter resorts.  

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Puede adquirir esta actividad a través de los siguientes prestadores
A tu medida turismo

Lagos Off Road 4x4
Anan Adventure & Experience

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Lagos del Fin del Mundo

Off Road- 4x4 en Lagos Escondido y Fagnano
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Off road 4X4 en lagos
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Off Road 4x4- Lagos Escondido y Fagnano
Onashaga Expeditions
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Originarios Turismo Aventura

Viaje Cultural en 4x4 en Tolhuin.

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Off Road por el sector de Lagos Escondido y Fagnano
Tanakar Ushuaia

Off-road y 4x4
Tierra del Fuego Aventura
Gobernador Godoy 51
Off Road Lago Escondido y Lago Fagnano y en el sector de Villa Marina con almuerzo en el restaurante. Trekking a Mirador Base del Glaciar Martial y a Laguna Esmeralda.
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Trekking a Laguna Esmeralda. Off Road- 4x4 en Lagos Escondido y Fagnano
Ushuaia Extremo Travels
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BICICLETAS ELECTRICAS (Fat Bike) a Castoreras sobre hielo en invierno. Cruce de los Andes en bicicletas MTB ELECTRICAS. MTB-Cicloturismo hacia la Reserva Cultural Natural Playa Larga y a Estancia Túnel. Off Road- 4x4 en Lagos Escondido y Fagnano. TREKKING: a Glaciar Ojo del Albino / a Laguna de los Témpanos - Glaciar Vinciguerra / Laguna Esmeralda
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Lagos Off Road. Trekking laguna Esmeralda.
Ushuaia Xplor Off Road

Off Road 4x4 en el sector de Lagos Escondido y Fagnano
Yaghan Turismo
Gobernador Godoy 19
Off Road 4x4 en Lagos Escondido y Fagnano
También puede realizar esta actividad, contratándola a través de las Agencias de viajes y turismo habilitadas.


Off road trips

The 4x4 vehicle tours are an excellent option to experience the challenging nature of the island. From trails opened by lumberjacks decades ago, to old abandoned routes, the itineraries will take you through the most impressive corners of Tierra del Fuego.



Off-road trips are usually done in all-terrain vehicles. The tour goes through the Fuegian forests , along old roads and trails used by lumberjacks during the times when the large sawmills were working. The combination of mountains,  lakes and the stories of the island's pioneers make this activity a unique experience.
These trips also go into places like Lake Fagnano , near Tolhuin, bordering its shores and giving you the chance to contemplate the beauty of the landscape from another perspective.    
The 4x4 excursions have an a pproximate duration of 7 hours , and include activities such as visits to winter resorts, valleys and estancias, where the passenger can enjoy lunch or a snack depending on the time of the day. It also includes stops at panoramic points, like the Carbajal Valley, which offers an impressive view of a chain of steep mountains and the peat bog that extends through the valley along National Route Nº 3. 

Another panoramic point is the Garibaldi Pass,  which marks the highest point where the mountain range is crossed, and where you can get an impressive view of Lake Escondido.   Here you can also see the trace of an old road that descended to the lake shore, in times when the National Route Nº 3 did not exist. 

Some operators offer combined excursions, with the possibility of canoeing on Lake Fagnano. During the winter, the excursions go into the valleys east of Ushuaia, where you can enjoy a varied offer of activities in the winter resorts.