Nature at the end of the world

Tierra del Fuego has a splendid combination of sea, lakes, forests, steppe and mountains to enjoy a variety of outdoor activities during your holidays.

Spring and summer come to Tierra del Fuego bringing long hours of light, an alluring invitation to go wandering. The forests show the green of lengas and ñires, and the sun shines on lakes and bays; is the perfect moment to hike, take the road or try a new excursion.

From North to South the island has a stunning contrast of landscapes, colours and textures. The steppe and the great rivers give way to forests and the Andes mountain range in the South, also the place where the Beagle Channel runs East-West through the Tierra del Fuego archipelago.

For those who love to explore on their own there is a wide net of trails in the National Park and in the Nature Reservoirs of the province. You can also sail on the Beagle Channel and discover the beauty of the archipelago, or just rent a car and drive along the National Route 3.

Wildlife sightseeing is another highlight of the season. During your trips you may encounter cormorans, seagulls, condors, red foxes, sealions and Magellan penguins. Whatever activity you choose, the wild beauty of the island will guarantee a memorable journey.


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Hiking along the Atlantic coast is an invitation to contemplate the great diversity of birds and the landscapes of the...
Birds, sea lions, Les Eclaireurs lighthouse and the southern archipelago surrounded by majestic mountains: sailing the Beagle Channel is an...
Located only a few kilometers from Ushuaia, the Tierra del Fuego National Park is a natural reserve of 63.000 hectares ...
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A surprising contrast of landscapes unfolds before the birdwatcher in the Fuegian archipelago. In the steppe and the northern coastal...
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Nature at the end of the world

Tierra del Fuego has a splendid combination of sea, lakes, forests, steppe and mountains to enjoy a variety of outdoor activities during your holidays.

Spring and summer come to Tierra del Fuego bringing long hours of light, an alluring invitation to go wandering. The forests show the green of lengas and ñires, and the sun shines on lakes and bays; is the perfect moment to hike, take the road or try a new excursion.

From North to South the island has a stunning contrast of landscapes, colours and textures. The steppe and the great rivers give way to forests and the Andes mountain range in the South, also the place where the Beagle Channel runs East-West through the Tierra del Fuego archipelago.

For those who love to explore on their own there is a wide net of trails in the National Park and in the Nature Reservoirs of the province. You can also sail on the Beagle Channel and discover the beauty of the archipelago, or just rent a car and drive along the National Route 3.

Wildlife sightseeing is another highlight of the season. During your trips you may encounter cormorans, seagulls, condors, red foxes, sealions and Magellan penguins. Whatever activity you choose, the wild beauty of the island will guarantee a memorable journey.