Provincial Reserve Laguna Negra

Provincial Reserve Laguna Negra

How to get here

Hay dos accesos para ingresar a la reserva: SUR: ingreso únicamente peatonal por la costa del lago Fagnano. Inicia en el camping Hain y se sigue la costa hacia el norte, hasta el ingreso al sendero a unos 2 km de distancia. NORTE: ingreso vehicular. Desde la estación YPF, sobre la ruta Nacional N°3, seguir hacia noroeste por la Av. Los Ñires. Pasando el supermercado deberá continuar 150 mts  donde visualizará el cartel indicativo de la Reserva, deberá doblar a la derecha durante unos 5 km hasta una bifurcación en que se debe tomar el camino de la izquierda, por el que se ingresa al área protegida. Se continúa hasta el estacionamiento donde comienza el sendero peatonal “Paisaje en Movimiento”.

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Trekking trails
Laguna Negra trail

Location: The Laguna Negra reserve is located in the northeast of Lake Khami or Fagnano, next to the urban ejido of Tolhuin, it belongs to the Department of Rio Grande. The southern limit is delimited by Lake Fagnano, to the west it borders the Corazon de la Isla reserve, to the east with the Tolhuin commune and to the north with private lands.

Conservation value:

The lenga forest system, the peat bogs, next to the Michi hill and the Black lagoon, give this area a unique scenic and scenic value. From the cliffs you can enjoy a wide view of the southern margin of Lake Fagnano and the Sierra Alvear. In addition, the characteristics of the forests, give them a special value for the controlled use of this resource. On the other hand, the ona community "Rafaela Ishton" in its vicinity and the records of the first forest industries provide the area with a cultural and archaeological value, which with time and new research will increase. Category: Provincial Reserve of Multiple Use

What services does it offer?

The intended uses for the reserve are tourist-recreational and forestry. Both within the Black Lagoon and in Lake Fagnano it is possible to practice sport fishing, with fishing permits and according to the regulations in force. Mountain biking and hiking are frequent activities in the reserve. Sustainable forest use is allowed in the reserve. This activity constitutes one of the main productive uses of the natural areas of the Lake Fagnano basin, being the Tolhuin Commune an important forestry pole of the Province.


The Black Lagoon is a body of water that is separated from Lake Khami or Fagnano by a gravel cord, formed during a large seismic movement. This reserve is included in the region of the Andean-Patagonian forests. It has an area of ​​1,204 ha. and shares the physiographic and ecological characteristics of the surrounding area of ​​the Corazón de la Isla Reserve. The reserve is suitable for sustainable forest use, since it comprises masses of "productive forest", belonging to the Lake Khami or Fagnano basin, being the Tolhuin Commune an important forest pole of the Province. The development of the tourist-recreational activity is

Prioritized in the declaration of the Reserve as such. The area has an interpretive trail "Landscape in movement", with informative signage that indicates the natural changes that have acted on this landscape.

A rich fauna of birds has been registered, among which stand out black head (Carduelis barbata), chingolo (Zonotrichia capensis), common ratona (Troglodytes aedon), Patagonian carpenter (Campephilus magellanicus), rayadito (Aphrastura spinicauda), picolezna or comeebo (Pygarrhichas albogularis), fío fío fiobón (Elaenia albiceps), common dormilona (Muscisaxicola macloviana), diucon (Xolmis pyrope), Patagonian swallow (Tachicineta leucopyga), Patagonian thrush (Turdus flacklandii), among others. Like the Rio Valdez reserve, this reserve represents a favorable habitat for the recovery of the populations of the red, native fox. It is also possible to encounter the guanaco and different native rodents.

Creation story:

The Laguna Negra Provincial Reserve was created within the regime of the Provincial System of Protected Natural Areas, provided by Chapter V, Provincial Law No. 272, established by Provincial Law No. 599. Its management is in charge of the Ministry of Environment , Sustainable Development and Climate Change of the Government of the Province of Tierra del Fuego, on which depends the General Directorate of Protected Areas and Biodiversity, who has among its missions and functions the administration and management of the Provincial System of Protected Natural Areas. It is an area with productive aptitude, controlled technically by the State, prioritizing public-recreational use. Since the creation of the reserve, improvements have been made and new paths have been set up, such as the implementation of the interpretative path "Landscape in Motion" in March 2009.